The Lovely Alea Conscious Community
The Lovely Alea Conscious Community
Alea Lovely

Welcome to The Lovely Alea Conscious Community

You're no longer an outsider.

About Me

Founded by Alea Lovely, The Lovely Alea Conscious Community is for those looking to expand their knowledge, support, practice and connection of the spiritual and mystical world. 

Why You Should Join Me

Has your newfound spirituality made you feel like an outsider? Do you have a lot of unanswered questions about your experiences or just feeling lonely and need more community in a like-minded space?

Alea Lovely's Membership Community has opened a platform for spiritual seekers who have felt alone to have a one-stop shop kind of place for resources, support, and connection with others navigating our soul's purpose while in the earth realm. Here are just a few of the perks that this community can offer you. 

  • A spiritual social media network platform where you can connect with others on their spiritual journey.
  • Weekly collective readings and monthly live hangouts with Alea Lovely. 
  • The ability to attend free workshops, classes, or community gatherings hosted by our community. Events set by other practitioners, tests for your intuition, book clubs, dream work, astrology, practice readings, and more.
  • Money Mondays - promote your business on Mondays to our conscious network
  • Solid support and open-mindedness to whatever questions you have that you can pose to the group.
  • Access to past workshops and classes, subjects, and topics that cover a wide variety of spiritual topics. 
  • Not to mention LIFE-LONG CONNECTIONS and friendships with conscious people from ALL OVER THE WORLD!

A Big Thanks

A huge amount of gratitude for the people in here and who join. This community is only as good as the people in it and I'm proud to say that the universe has not disappointed in the brilliant minds and genuine hearts that have come together in this safe space.